What was the word of God before the bible? Kemetic Science vs Christianity

One of the questions I often get asked is did ancient Kemet have a bible or some sort of holy book? It’s usually asked by someone that is or was Christian. The unspoken implication in that question is that since Christianity had a book to tell you what to believe everybody including ancient Kemet had […]

What was the word of God before the bible? Kemetic Science vs Christianity

Why Ancient African spiritual systems didn’t have devils or evil explained

In African spirituality there were no devil’s or Satan. As spiritual science there was only energy that was naturally polarized as opposites within creation. There was no room for a make believe monsters in African spiritual systems. Within the Ancient Kemetic spiritual tradition, the soul as an energetic being of light is the true you. […]

Why Ancient African spiritual systems didn’t have devils or evil explained

God Has Nothing To Do With The Fate Of Humans- We Design It.

Often, humans ponder on “deserved” and “undeserved” fate, the reward or punishment for an act, retaliation and karma. However, all of these are prompted by a Law imbedded in Creation- The Law of Reciprocal Action.

Push it. It will end with you.

   A law which was formed alongside creation from the earliest beginning. It has been inwardly entwined with the great, never-ending evolution as a very important part of creating itself, and of development. It supports and energizes the whole Universe, and promotes continual movement, an eternal return of what is/was given. 

Jesus Christ described it most simply and plainly when He said “What a man sows, so shall he reap”

 These few words of Christ have painted a perfect picture and makes it an ultimate description of what it is. No matter how hard you try, you will keep finding yourself unable to bend the words away from the reality of life. 

 Only those who choose to see this, really do. When you look around you, what you refer to as the Laws of Nature are; the “Divine Laws” and the “Creator’s Will”. As a result, they are constantly active, which is why you will never sow apples and reap grapes, neither will you sow maize and reap beans. 

It has all been interwoven- all of His creation

Even though it is very clear to humans, we hardly reflect on the genuine process. Hence, we ignore the rigid and powerful law imbedded in it. So we go in search of answers that have already been giving to us. 

Nevertheless, the Law takes effect with equal certainty and goes beyond the natural realm into the spiritual (The Biggest Part of Creation). As a result, the law is manifested in every activity, deeply involved in the most delicate developments of our thoughts, which still includes an element of material substance. 

Needful to point out- The doubts of every human is in reality, nothing but the expression of our inner wishes. That’s right! The process makes no distinction, neither does it create a gap in between nor stop at some other aspect of creation to ignore the rest. It runs simultaneously and carries the effects through like an unbreakable glass without hindrance or cessation. 

Despite the greater part of humanity has been isolated from the Universe, the Divine or Natural laws have never been on a break from serving to the traveller what has been attracted, as well as working the same, easily and equally.  

Since the Law of Reciprocal Action states humans shall so whatever they reap; Only at the Genesis of every situation is a human left to his/her free will to resolve, choose where the Omnipotent energy flowing within them is to be directed. However, the consequences are for them to bear, as it is returned from the Power that was put in place by the direction willed by them. Despite this, many choose to believe humans lack free will if they are subject to fate. 

This is only a foolish pill that should be offered as a narcotic, or developing a malicious submission to an inevitable circumstance, purely a self-excuse; for every consequence raining down on a person, had been born and its birth was before the previous decision he/she made of their own free will. 

The free will has at one point in a time ushered in every reciprocal action, in other words, FATE. From a first volition, humans have established or created something they have to live someday, either sooner or later. When it does happen, it does in various great forms. It can be in the same earthly lifetime his first volition set it off, it can equally happen in the spiritual realm, when the earthly form has been returned to the earth, or it could be in another earthly life when the being is reincarnated. 

The variations are not what matters, as they do not free a person from the consequences of their actions. The being moves along with the chained link continually until the time of redemption. In other words, the consequence of an action lingers around in the universe until the final effect is set through the Law of Reciprocal Action. 

If you choose to cause harm to another in your thoughts, words or action, you have thereby released energy into the world. Be it visible or not, physical or abstract- there is a power within it which continues to flow in the desired direction. 

How it chooses to affect the person the harm was intended for lies solely on the psychic conditions of the concerned, to whom it may either bring little or great harm or different from what was proposed or in some cases, none whatsoever. For the psychic balance of the person concerned is entirely decisive of themself. Moreso, no one is exposed to such things without protection. 

It is different for whoever established the hurt through his decision and will. The product of the manufacturer contains the patent code which brands and bonds them together unconditionally, which is returned to him reinforced after a short or long journey through the universe. 

When Jesus Christ said, “whatever a man sows, shall he reap” He did not say “can he reap” He made it clear stating “shall”. In other words, you sow whatever you reap. 

Even Jesus had a share of the Law. He spoke the truth out of His free will. For the truth is bitter, and with it comes persecution, discrimination and hatred. He didn’t realize the consequences of his own words until He felt the heat coming then He called God. That was the only one time the Father in Heaven diverted The Son’s call to a voicemail when Jesus pleaded “if this cup shall pass, let it pass over me.” The Father could not let the cup pass over the Son because from the beginning, the Father had rooted His perfect laws deeply into creation. As a result, Jesus embraced hatred from the authorities and those who benefitted from the corrupt practices He preached against. He was persecuted, He was hated for it and His followers till date bear the same consequence for the exact action. 

Several times, humans encounter grave experiences and ask God why He will let it happen. The trick is, He has nothing to do with it, neither anything else to do. You played yourself and at that point, there is nothing from Him to you except mercy and grace to reduce or strengthen the force of the energy being returned to you. Afterwards, you may find peace. 

Understanding fully well, what the Law of Reciprocal Action entails, picture a community where everyone shows nothing but love to each other. Imagine how radiant love will fill the air. Picture yourself forgiving everyone who wrongs you, and see how your God and the Laws of the Universe will be kind to you when you seek mercy. 

To avoid misunderstanding, a prayer for forgiveness doesn’t destroy that energy you let out, it can only reduce the force at which it returns, or install a shock absorber that will reduce the impact when it hits you. For a reciprocal of good, joy and love is what strengthens the force so it may overflow when it hits you.  

Work diligently, the Creator has put everything in creation into your hands. You are the controller and author of your Fate. Whatever comes to you is what you ordered for. Do good in your time, do worse if you please. Every moment has an Armageddon or Paradise for you.